


Cosmetic Medicine is a fast growing, young discipline within general medicine.

This field contains many types of treatments: cosmetic surgery, dermatology, injectables (Botox and fillers), laser treatments and skin therapy.

It is important that, after a period of wild growth, quality requirements have been imposed on the services offered by practitioners. It is therefore a good thing that the NVCG, the Dutch Association of Cosmetic Medicine, has been commissioned by the Ministry of Health to impose and regulate the education for cosmetic physicians. This has made sure that physicians who enter the market are in possession of solid professional training and can do their work in a verifiable manner. I support the professional development of the Cosmetic Medicine fully, and it is my pleasure to be a part of it. This only benefits the professional development of Cosmetic Medicine.

 “I think it’s important to be a reliable and professional partner for a patient with regard to questions in this field.”